Dying Light Wiki
Dying Light Wiki

This Blog is designed for everyone to have a safe contribution to the Peacekeepers Wiki, without placing false, misleading, or misunderstood information there. I have already gone through to make the necessary edits to keep information about the Peacekeepers as true as can possibly be, and will continue to do so for as long as Dying Light 2 continues.

Any contributions you recommend having, please comment on here on where your contribution may positively effect that Wiki. I am not the original creator of that Wiki page, that was someone who Moderates the Fandom website - but I have a personal tendency to apply correct information where applicable without misleading anyone away from the facts.

Everyone is of course free to edit the Peacekeepers Wiki without commenting here as per the allowance of the Fandom Administrators, but as I do check regularly, I will change what is considered to be false information.

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