The Fate of the Fool is the ninth story quest of Dying Light: The Following.[1]
- Check what happened with Atilla
- Take the book
- Take the mask
- Take the book and mask to Jasir
After having investigated the monoliths and obtained a red mask for Atilla during the previous quest, Atilla promised he would contact the Faceless again. This quest starts, however with an Acolyte contacting Crane about Atilla having been silent for too long. Go to the mansion and investigate.
Atilla is nowhere to be found in the mansion itself, a letter of his is found on the door leading to his study room. Head down to the basement and into the cave to find that Atilla has killed himself. Acolyte's of the Faceless are trying to contact Atilla over the radio, stating "Atilla, pick up. Atilla, respond please.". Investigating Atilla shows him wearing the red mask recovered during the previous quest. Crane will contact the Faceless after finding it. After speaking to them, take the mask and Atilla's book and head to Jasir. Atilla's book can be found in his study room on the table.
After delivering the items to Jasir, the quest is completed.
02 February 2022
12 February 2016
30 January 2015
- 2 500 survivor points
- 50 trust points
- ↑ The Fate of the Fool - Quest log (Dying Light: The Following)