"To access the GRE database with the key, I needed a functional terminal. Lieutenant Rowe might have known where to find one. I was also asked to deliver an envelope containing Matt's orders to him." Quest description
Orders is the tweltfth Story Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.
- Talk to Lawan.
- Lawan handed me an envelope of orders for Rowe and advised me to start my search on Culvert Island.
- Deliver the orders to the PK outpost.
- By the time I got to Peacekeeper Camp in New Dawn Park, Rowe was no longer there. The lieutenant and the squad tracked a group of Renegades. I followed his trail.
- Find the outpost commander.
- Rowe was furious with the orders and refused to talk to me, but Lawan convinced him to help. He revealed that, unfortunately, the building containing the main GRE terminal was destroyed during the bombing.
- Clear the area of Renegades.
- Rowe and his men were attacked by a group of Renegades. I helped them survive the ambush.
- Talk to Lawan.
- Lawan advised me not to go to the bombed-out GRE building. The chemical fallout at that place might kill me. Nevertheless, I've decided to follow the trail to the end.
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