He is a survivor residing in the Harran Public School and tasked with protecting Erol Asani, the former governor of the province, as well as his niece and her son, Saliha and Eren. In the Enhanced Edition of Dying Light, his appearance has been changed differently. For unknown reasons, he doesn’t get on Erol’s evac chopper, however this is most likely an oversight.
Crane:"I just want to talk." Edward:"Try listening. The first bullet goes over your head. The next one goes through it." Erol:"Stop it, Edward! You don't want to scare off someone who might be willing to help us!" Edward:"We don't know this asshole from a plate of falafel." Erol:"Don't argue with me! Let him in!" Edward:"Seems Erol wants to talk to you." Crane:"There won't be any trouble." Erol:"Do I look worried?" Crane:"Scared to death." Erol:"He's perceptive. Come in, come in!"